Congrats to me. Yep. To me!
Anyone who knows me personally will understand why I am congratulating myself. You see, I was that driver who proudly displayed the “0.0” sticker in their back car window, and NOW, I’ve just completed a half marathon.
Here’s why I’m congratulating myself. In about 20 years, there’s been only a handful of times I haven’t been to the gym multiple times during the week to do some type of...
Post it. Note pad. Legal pad. Task list. Mental List. White Board.
Which one is your favorite method to track your ever growing To-Do list in Food Safety & Quality (FSQ)? You know - that To-Do list that's like Rapunzel's hair - except without the magical properties?
Did I just catch an eye roll?
The beauty of being in FSQ is you touch every single area of the business. The beast of being in FSQ is you...