We move throughout each day creating stories, replaying stories, and disputing stories that our minds have weaved and created about situations and people. As food safety and quality leaders, what stories do we have about who we are, how we lead, and our purpose? How do these influence and shape our relationships and outcomes? Join us with our special guest, Tirzah Lewis as we explore how the power of coaching can change the stories we tell, the lives we live, and the people we...
We all know people leave bosses, not companies. While we may say it’s due to a bad boss, there’s often a host of factors to explore to understand the relationship dynamic, especially in food safety and quality. Join us this week as we dive into five ways to deal with a bad boss.
Learn more in THIS episode of Real Talk Food Safety with Tia & Jill.
Last week we had the opportunity to be at the Farm to Label event in Portland. We met incredible people, heard some fantastic stories, and learned some lessons. Join us to recap food safety lessons from Portland that are important to food businesses and leaders.
Learn more in THIS episode of Real Talk Food Safety with Tia & Jill.
A cornerstone of food safety is that employees have permission to act in the best interest of public health. Even though we’ve all been trained to say, “we can stop the line”, there are other aspects of food safety that require the same level of authority yet authority isn’t always given. What happens when you find yourself or your technical team (aka food safety team) in a position of responsibility without authority, or limited authority, to act in the...
On the career journey through food safety and quality, after gaining experience, people often to transition to formal leadership roles. Some people thrive, and some don’t. Transitioning from individual contributor to manager isn’t always as easy as it seems. Learn the secrets of success from Dr. Michael Wood!
Learn more in THIS Real Talk Food Safety episode with Tia & Jill.
Ensuring food safety culture is inclusive, proactive and people-focused takes intention. It’s about building relationships and spaces that encourage people to bring their whole-selves to work. That’s the magic that makes food safety culture! Whether you’re just starting or you’re immersed in building safe spaces, you won’t want to miss the three pillars of belonging and how individuals, teams and organizations each play a role. ...
As food safety and quality leaders look to improve food safety culture, creating a safe, inclusive space for all team members to thrive is important. Stereotypes and other forms of discrimination can prevent team members from feeling the psychological safety needed for strong cultures. Team members on the receiving end can face constant comments, criticisms, or judgments that influences their work experience. Join us to talk about the effects of stereotyping at work, the...
In an era where Food Safety Culture is front and center, we need Technical Leaders that have effective leadership to guide and influence the journey. Many food companies partner with consultants to deploy leadership concepts across their organization to build leaders, including food safety leaders, to have “one” philosophy and style of leadership for their organization. While good in spirit, these attempts fall short. Why?
A 2017 leadership training study shows...
This week we’re talking about the A-word…Accountability! The heart of accountability is simple - showing up, doing your work, and owning it. Yet accountability has taken on negative connotations as a punitive measure when people don’t meet expectations such as “being held accountable.” How can leaders, teams, and companies foster a culture of responsibility that engages people while having results? Join us to learn how to foster a...
There’s nothing worse than destroying product because of foreign material. Not only is it a financial loss of product, but it also drains people’s time and other valuable resources. Join us as we talk with Kurt Westmoreland of FlexXray to discuss the value of foreign material inspection in food safety programs and how the inclusion of this service can impact sustainability efforts and ROI on product value.
Learn more in THIS episode of Real Talk Food...
Let’s celebrate!
We’re celebrating International Women who have influenced and shaped food safety, often by working behind the scenes. Join us to talk with Daria Liutcerina and Dr. Morrine Omolo about how women have influenced food safety globally, what challenges and strengths women bring, and how our international guests see women continuing to impact global food safety for years to come.
Learn more in THIS episode of Real Talk Food Safety...
Good technical leaders have environmental monitoring programs in place. Great technical leaders have seek and destroy type environmental programs in place. What’s the difference?
Join us as we talk with Dr. John Butts, the creator of the seek & destroy scientific method that finds and eliminates pathogens in #foodandbeverage facilities. Together we’ll understand how seek and destroy is different than standard programs and how strong technical...